Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

itbePop ..; ano family 'Zook. 4 41 ledge; bit an afiding unneceffary apprehenlion of Natural Good andEvil. i o. The deaththreatned is all that penal evil that mans na. turewas capable of; which is, i. The defertion of the finful foul. 2. The pain and diflolution of the body. 3. The perpe- tuity ofthe fouls fuffering, at leaf', it being a capable fubiet, without arefurrefion. %eft. 3. What believe youofMans fall intofin and wi/ry Anfw. Mao being tempted Satan, by did [by wilful finning fall fromhis Holinefs, his Innocency, and his Happinefs, under the Juftice of God, the condemna- , tion of his Law, and the flavery of the Fleûl, the World, and the Devil : Whence finful, guilty and mi- rerableNatures are propagated to all Mankind : And no meer Creature is able to deliver us. i. It was Satan in the Serpent that tempted Eve : And Sa- tan by Eve (having byher fin got power to ufe her as his In- frument) that tempted Adam. 2. Man finned not till he was tempted. But he was but tempted, and not forced to fin ; much lefs was he forced or neceffitated to it by God himfelf. 3. God could have made man indefeftible, or prevented his OuIf : But he is no more bound to tell us why he did not, than tell us why he made not all Men Angels, or all Beals Men. t we know that he will be no lofer by it ; but equally be glorified, and pleafed in the way of recovering Grace. 4. God gave manfreewill whichwas mutable, and not unchangeable in holinefs. For he would have fucha freewill to be the Subjea of his earthlyGovernment, which is but preparatory to a perfea and unchangeable fate; Not that anundetermined mutable Will is our perfeftion ; but fitted to this life and work which God Would have to be a lower degree and way to Perfection. And freewill was the firf caufeof fin, by an omi/ïon ofits duty, and thenby an ill determination of itfelf, (Though olnjeds and temptation, and the underfandings and fenfes apprehenfions wereAntecedents and Occafions.) 5. The veryA/f offin was a departing from Hclinefs, from Innocency, and from Happinefs ; Sin' it felf becoming mans unho- linefs, his Guilt and Mifry. 6. Hereupon without any change, yea or ate of God, T. The frívice of God flood related to the Sinner, Qs to one to whom death