28 Zbe pool Manz familp 'Souk. trey) Chrift to juftifïe you and fave you from your fins ; and you mull truft the Holy Ghoft, to kill your fins, and to illuminate, fanftifie and quicken you, and bydegrees, to makeyou perfettly holy ; For thefe are the things that God is to be trufted for. But if any Mould truft God to fave them from Hell and not from fin ; or from theguilt of fin, and not from the power of ir ; or to let them keep their flelhly Lulls while they live, and then to give the.ai Heaven at death, this is not to truft God but to abufe him, nor to truft his mercy, but to refufe ir. How Both he truft in Chrift to fave him, that is not willing tube faved by him ? And he that will not be Paved from his fin, will not be Paved by Chrift. And how can he truft the Holy Ghìoft to fanftifie him, who is not willing to be fanûtified, but thinketh a Holy life CO be an intolerable toyl and mifery ? I I. To Believe God is to believe his word. And what word ofGodhave you to believe, but that he will'. fave Converted Believers, and condemn all ungodly unbelievers ? If now you will believe that Godwill fave any unconverted ungodly finners, this is to believe the Devil and your felves, and not God ; For God never laid any fuck word in all the Bible, but pro- tefteth the contrary. And what a felf-deceit is it ro hope to be faved" for Bdieving a lie, and fa- thering it upon God ? And what Blafphemie is it to call it a BelievingGod, when you believe the Devil that contradiCteth him ? lf,i ,41.26. IC>. t it.2.it}a lit Ee-