442 Sig poq anofamfip 'Zook. death by right was due. 2. And the Law (without-any change in it)did virtually condemn him. 3. And by Godsbare per- million and defertion, the Flefh, world and Devil, which had tempted him, andovercome him, obtained a greater power to tempt andovercome himmore; Till the Spirit of God fhould recover and deliver him. 7. The three fore-mentioned Evils which Adam contraaed to himfelf, are all propagated by him to his Pofterity BY Natural propagation Infants are, i. Polluted witha finful; Pra vity ; 2. Guiltyboth ofthat,- and in their -kindof Adams fin ; 3. Andmilerable by this fin and guilt, and the three fore- mentioned' penal confequents. Toall which it is wonderful to confider well, how much is done by the Sinner himfelf, and how little byGod, either as to the finor punifhment. 8. They that deny Original Sin, go againft plain Scripture, Leafon, and the experience ofMankind : And do make Infants faved without a Saviour, either ,, pardoning or purifying them. 9. It is an Error to lay our guilt ofAdams fin upon any filch fu;ipofect Covenant, Will or arbitrary Imputation of -God , which chargeth more on us, than we were Naturally guilty of: God cloth neither make men Sinners by Imputation, who are not fo in thenifelves, nor judge falfly that men did what they did not. Adamwas a publick Perlon firft naturally, and then reputat.ively : We were not then in him as Pe>tons ; and the - fore finned not in him as diflina Perlons, nor are reputed God fo to have done :Eut we were in himVirtually and feminal , not as a houle is in the Work-man, as its caute by art ; but as thole whole ei ence is generated by his of fence : And as all ofus that was then in himwas guilty then, fo when we become Perjons, thole Psrraiis are then guilty, as becoming nowpe foal Sel j tis of it ; And all our perfonality is derived from a defiled, gai,:ty and rri%arao(e 5inw r, who can generate no effence or per- fon better than he was himfelf. But yet the due difference between the Principal Agent and his Off-fpring mull be Hill ac- knowledged._ 9. The guilt which from our neared Parents we contraft allo (with fetch additional pisaity and penalty as our natural Capaci- ty, and the tenor of the NewCovenant allow) is too fadly over- looked bymolt Divines, contr.:ry to the whole fcope of Scrip- ture, from the laves of C iii to the l ejec`iion of the ,fins, and contrary to the Second Commandment : which matter defer - veth a larger explicauen, I e. IÄ