cuePM; ano fatníip 16®a 443 to. If we dreamof any other Deliverer or Saviour, we fall from Chrifl. Qeft.4.. What believe yogi of mans Redemption by efua Chrifl ? Anfw. G O D fo loved the World, that he gave his only Son to be their Saviour : Who being G OD, and ;One with the Father, took our Nature, and be- came M A N ; being conceived by the Holy Ghoft , born of the Virgin Mary ; and called JESUS CHRIST: Who was perfettly Holy, without Sin , fulfilling all Righteoufnefs, and overcame the Devil and the World ; and gave Himfelf a Sacrifice for our Sins, by fuffering a curfed Death on the Crofs to ran- fome us, and reconcile us unto God ; and was 'buried, and went among the dead : the third day he rofe again, having conquered Death. And having Pealed. the New Covenant with his Blood, he commanded his Apoffles &other Minifters, to preach the Gofpel to all the World; and promifed the Holy Ghoft : And then afcended into Heaven,where he is God and Man, the glorified Head over all things to his Church End our prevailing Interceffor with God the Fa- ther. t. Gods fee love, without either merit, fuit or condition on Mans part, gave Chriti for a Saviour to the World. It is not poffible for any good to befal a Creature,,which cometh not from the freegift ofGod. 2. God is laici to love men, either when hezvilletb force good to them, or when he is pleatd or delighted in them : With the firft (called a Love of Benevolence) he loveth man, not becaufe he is good, but to make him good : But this is lets properly call- ed Love, when it goeth alone. With the other more proper Love (of Complacence)he loveth every thing fo far only as it is good and lovely. Both thefe concurred to loll Mankind; but the firfl moil eminently : The good which remained in fallen man as lovely, was his NatAire which was Gods Work, and partlyhis Image; and therein his Capacity of that Grace, and