Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

444 'co pow ;Nano famítp73ook. and all that holy Duty, and that heavenly Perfeaion, in which he wouldbe fully amiable. 3. Chrill is called- theSaviour of the World, with different retpea to the feveral parts of the World : not. as if he were equally the Savior of all. So far as he faveth any, he is their Saviour: He bath fo far faved all men, as to make fo fufficient a fatisfaLion to the_Juftice ofGod for their fins, that noneofthem ' (hall perish for want of fucha falisfaaion made, And fo far ;s to make an Univerfal Gift offreePardon, Juftification, Adop- tion, and the Spirit to all Mankind, oncondition of acceptance ; fo that nothing but their ungrateful refufing it, can deprive them of it; Andhath commandedhis Minifters to publith and Offer thisto all the World. And he giveth men various de- grees of help, towards the winning of their own confent. But the confent of force he effeftually and infuperably pro- cureth; and actually. juffifieth, fanttifieth and glorifieth them. So that [he is the Saviour ofall men, efpecially of thofe that believe :1 When yet thole that had a Saviour as to the Antec- dent cis aetion; the Covenant-offer and Common helps only will perifh for ever, for unthankful refufing the Salvation' offer- ed them, together with their other fins. For none are for- given, where . the Forgiver and his Grace are not accep- ted, 4. That Chrift is both God and Man, is evident in Scrip- ture, foci (and_ therefore one fubftancewith the Father) 'front Eternity : But Man itdthe fulnefs of time, about four thoul-ànd years after the Creationof the, World. Becaufe he is G OD; lze is ofperfect fufficiency for all the workof our Redemption , and his Sacrifice, Merit and Interceíhion of full force. Be- caufe he is-Man. he was fit to be the Head ofthe Church, and to bea Meffenger fromGòcl, familiarly to teach men, and to thew thema,perfett example of Holinefs, and to fuffer for us in our (lead, and to poffefs Heaven in Our Nature, and to In- tercede for us as the Mediator between God and Man. So that there is nothing wanting in Chrifts Perlon, as to ffl1i ciency, or compaflionate condefcenfion and nearnefs to theconio- lationof penitent Believers. 5. That God, the eternal Word of the Father, fhould take to him the Nature ofMan, is the moti aftonilhing wonder of all Gods Works :.But having given us full proof of it by his Spirit ; in his Doctrine, Miracles, and the ,fanaifying of Be- lievers, it is the grand 'Article of our certain Faith; yea, lie Givethus to believe ir, as well as Co:ii:nandeth it. That Gad is nioft