Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

446 'etc pow ano farntfp lBooh. the HolyGhoft, and yet there was a participation of Genera- _ tion, fo far as there was a concourfeof the Virgins Soul. And by this wonderful Conception, Chrifl was free both from the guilt and corruption of Original Sin. For though he be called the Son ofDavid and of Man, totally as a Man, and not as tó his Flefh alone ; yet was he not fo bya proper and full Generation as others are ; but the Spirits Creative conception made him even as to his humanity, more eminently theSon of God, than the Son ofMan. 9. The name[jefits]fignifieth his Office, even [ A Saviour] ; and the name [C H R IST] fignifieth the Appointment of God, his Migion and Authority, and qualification for this Office, [The Anointed ofGod.] s o. Chrifl's perfect Holinefs andRigbteouftefs was both Habi- tual in his perfe$Nature, and Active in his perfea Anions ; that is, in perfect Refignation, Obedienceand Love to God. The Perfection of his Divine nature advanced the Merit ofhis Hu- .mane Perfetlion twowayes, t. caufally,as it had the chief caufa- ?:ality in producing it : 2. Relatively, as it was the Perfection of the fame Perlon. TheActive Righteoufnefs of Chrifl confifted in his conformity to the Divine Will, as fignified in that Law which was given to himfelf by God ; Which was, i. That he fhould fulfil the Lawof Nature as a Man : 2. And the Mofai- cal Law as a joy : 3. Anda proper Law of Mediation, by his proper Mediatory Works, Doctrine, Miracles, Sufferings, Infli- tuttons, &c. So that the Perfection or Righteoufnefs of Chrift, bywhich we are juflifiedand faved as the Meritorious Caule , is All this in One; even [his perfec`t Habitual and Actual Holinefs, cauld and relatively dignified by his Divine Perfeótion,] Not as if one part merited one benefit for us, and another part another : But all entirely merited all for us : For all together was that One condition required ofChriff by the Law or Covenant of Media- tion : upon which condition performed, he had Right to all the promiíd fruits of that Mediation; as to give us the pardoning and faving Covenant, &c. i i. Chrift's conquering theDevil and the World as Temp- ters, (and the Fiel., fo far as without fin, its Natural delires were to he denied, as in the Love of Life, &c.) was a great and needful part of his Work, that he might deliver us from the Tempters chat had overcome us, and might confound God's Enemies, and break the Serpents 'head, and vindicate the Truth and Holiucli ofGod's Law by demonfiration. I2. The