44? CO ioe anzfat iip aók. ' lúntaryMediator,who may ufe us after as he pleafeth, and give Us the benefits as he will. We did not pay our own debt by luni : His fufferings were notours indeed, nor in Law fence : Wewere not crucified inhim: Wedid not fatisfie Gods Juftice by him : And therefore the'effetts are not Ours , till he after give them us, and that in the degree that pleafeth him. It it not the fufffering in it felf which he giveth tí8, (that were a fad gift) : Nor the frrft Bleat in it felt (faùisfaLlion;) for that is made to God for us, and not to Us but it is the fruits hereby procuredofGod. A4. Múch lets can it be truly and properly faid, that Chrift in obit Perfon, and we in and by Chrift, did fulfil the Law of Wdrks, byperfea habitual Holinefs,and outward Obedienceand, Love, and this dignified by a Divine perfeaion. The fame Ha- bits, and Aas, or Kiel teoufnefs, beingAccidents, cannot be in divers fubjeLts. We are not juftified by the Precept and Pro- mife of the Law of Works ; as if we had fulfilled it all by Chrift : but by theLawof Grace. Hadwe fulfilled all the Law of Innocencyby Chrift, we could have no need of his Death, or any Pardon ; becaufe we fhould have no fin to pardon, ei- ther ofomiflion orcommiflion, froni birth to death. To for- give all our fins, and to repute us tö have never finned, but pettedly obeyed by another, are còntradiaory. And God judgeth not falfly ; nor fuppofeth us to do what we never did Thereforewe have not prefent Right to all the benefits of Chrifts Meritsor Righteoufnefs. Our punifhments are nowrong to us, while he correLteth us. He giveth us pardon and life, oncondition that we bepenitent Believers, and loth not tell us, that we repented, believed andperfevered in and by him, which fall be imputed to us ; nor that we need it not becasrfe we are innocent in him. Nor did Chrift by his death onely fave us from punifhment, and by his Perfection onely merit our Jùíli- fication and Salvation. For to be acquit from all punifhment offenfe and tofs, is tohave right to Life : And to be innocent from allfin of omillion and commiflion, is to be Juft. But we are not juftified by Chrift againft this charge,[Thou art a Sinner] limply : But againft his charge, [Thou art to be condemned for thy fin] : Not by imputation of innocency in it feltto us, an& re- puting us innocent : but by pardoning our fins, and giving us Right to Life,and fo accepting us.And fo Chrift is. the Lord our Righteoufnefs; and as he was made fin for ds, not indeed , nor didGod 09 repute him, but as One that was to fuffer for Sinners ; foare we made the Righteoufnefs of God inShim: