Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

4 5 0 eVe rang ¡Patio familp 'Soot. 1 g. Chrift's Afcenhon was the fecond flee of his Exaltations His bodily prefence was more-necefiary in Heaven than on Earth : There he ifs 11'111 God and' Man : His Body and Soul being glorified, aridxiatural-tiefh and blood' changed into an incor- ruptible fpirirü.al Body : Forfo it will bewith Believers ; For Fleih andBlood eannot enter into the Kingdom of God. So ab- furdly do they err, who fay, that : Bread is no Bread, but Chrift's Flefh, andWine is no ri,lue, but his Blood , when his glorifyed Bodyhath Flefh andRiCed at all. It is unfpeakable joy to Believers, that we havea Head ill Heaven that is over all. 20.- The Apoflle'diflinguifheth Chrift's.Headfhip óh.2.7:á, as-ii is [over all] and as it is [to the church.] For tb this end he died, and rofe, and revived, that Ito . 144 , he might he Lord óf the Dead and Living. He .¡óh. 5..2..; lath Dominion over. the uncalled to call them ; andoverBelievers to defend andglorifiethem ; and`over :Rebels todeftroy them. 2 I. The Interceffon ofChrift is á greatArticle of che-Chrifli- an Faitll andvfignifieth not only that he prayetb: for. us, but that he is the heavenly High .Priefl and Mediator with God : And that whets onçe fin hath defiled us-, there is' no coining to Cod, but by a Mediator; no. nót. in. our .Thoughts; òr- Hopes, or Affections: Wetniuft expel no acceptance of our-l'erjons, or Prayers, or.bstiss,: butthrrrigh Chrift: We Muff pnr ail -into his hands, that he-may prefent thenito God : We cannot fö much as love God, but by' him, as the Glafs and Revealer of .God's Love and Goodnefs: And ai(ò veMuff look for nothing from Godnow but.through him, and by his hands : that is by his Me- ritsand hisAdminifiration : The Spirit and fpccial Grace is gi- ven by hirn even as Mediator :Minifcers and Ordinances are by him : Magiflrates, and the Rule of the natural World, for . the ends of Redemption is by him; Forall Power is given, him,and he judgeth all. . Quell. 5, what is the Nov re anent, or '(versant, or Lawof ..grace ? Anfw: Gód tlirdugh jefus Chrift, doth fr ely give to all Mankind, H.imfelf to be their Reconciled God and Father, his Son to be their Saviour, and his Holy Spirit to be their Sandifter,",if' °they will believe and accept the Gift, and wily"give up themfelces to Him accordingly Repenting of their finsi and contenting t9