el)? poq Ct H UIÉp 36od. 451 to forfake, the Devil, the World, and the Flefh, and fincerely (though not perfectly) to obey Chìift and his Spirit to the end, according to the Law of Nature and his Gofpel Inftitutioits, that they may beglorified in Heaven. for ever. o. It is the fame thing which in feveral . refpeas is called Chrifl's New Teltameat, La-Wand Covenant : It _ is his Teftament, becaufehe efiablilbed ít by and at his Death;' and it contain. eth a free Gift or Legacy tev man. It is his Covenant, becaufe God on his part bindeth himfeIf by Promife,. to do all that i$ there offered ; And requiretthmen to content and covenant ac- cordinglytvithhim, if they vill have the benefit. It ishisLaw, in that it; containeth his eflablifhed Terms, on, which lien Thal% -obtain Remiffion and Salvation,.or mils of it and becondemned, if they refufe ; and by which:men (hall bejudged to Heaven or Hell. 2. This Lawbath two parts:: r fThe rft is a prefuppofed part, Which is the Law ofNature;, as ta its obligation to Duty; which. Chrifldoth not new-make., but find made, and taking Nature it felf and man as his Own, upon theTitle of. Redemption, that Law' alfo falleth into his hand.: And as he doth not de/troy, but perfect our Nature; fo he (loth not defiroy the Law of, Nature. but fuperoddhis remedying Law. 2. Which is the fécond part;, newlAnade by the Redeemer, and called the Law of Grace the firfi being now as a part or appurtenance to this, as ufed to our Sanaification, and yet the obedience of it part of the end of this. This fpccial Law and Covenant of .Grace contain= eth, i. A free 'Deed of Gift (though conditional) of God him® felf, the Father, Saviourand Sanfifier,,as aforetaid, with Zar don of allfin, and right to the Love of the Father, the Grace of the Son, and the Communionof the Holy Ghoft, and to the heavenly Glory. 2. The impofed condition of this free Gift, which is ncere belief, and confent by, covenanting accordingly witl? God, as iisexpreft. 3. The Preceptivepart, which is to be the Rule of fincere Obedience, as it is in Gofpel Inftitutiòns, the Law of Nature fuppofed. 4. The Penal part, as it ;lçaveth men unfaved, and threatneth a forer Punifhment to all impenitent and unbelieving Refufers of the offered Grace.And this is now the Law and Covenant by whichwe mull live and be judged: And which is God's .infiniment, like an Aft of Oblivion; and Deed ofGift, by which the Benefits of Chrift are, with hi:nfelf, to be regularly conferredon Mankind, and on which we ;nuíî rim as our Title to Chrilì ang Life, Gg' 2 è}.