VPPm .-, ano famÍlpl3oott 29 III. ,Believing and Trsifting will be Peen in their effe&s. Is it pollible fora man truly to 'Believe that be ¡hall have a life of Joyes in Heaven for ever, if he will turn from the Refit and the world to God, and value and feek Heaven more than Earth, and yet not do st , but be a Carnal worldling f ill ? Is it poflïble truly to Believe that thewicked 1141 be turned into Hell, Pfd. 9.17. and yet to ,goonRill in wickednefs ? Ifyouwere a beggar or a llave in England, and the King Mould promife you a Kingdom in the Indies, if you will but Truft your felf in the ¡hip with his own Son, who undertaketh to bring you thither, I pray you tell me now, what is the meaning of this nullinghis Son, and how may it appear whether you truft the Kings promife and his Sons Condut or not ? If you truf him , you will pack up and be gone ; you will leave your own Countrey andall that's in it,and on fhipboard you will go, and venture (t) all that you have in the voyage, in hope of the Kingdom which is pro- tnifed you. But if you fear that the. King deceiveth you, or that his Son wanteth either Sky/,.0r Will or Power to bring youto the promifed place, and that the ¡hip is unfafe, or the wayes and tempeRs like to drown you, then you will Ray at home, and will not venture. Sowhen God offereth you a Heavenly Kingdom, if fo be you will in heart forfake the world and all its pomp and pleafures, and all the finful delires of the fleíh ; If now yóùTrutt this promife of God you will forfake all and follow a Crucified Saviour as a (t) like I $.z2,23.Like 14>26a33e.!?at.1 3.45,}6. Croti-