Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

45 2 at poox ano family 'Zook. Queft.6. What believe you of the Holy Ghofi ? .AnJrv. God the HolySpirit was given by the Father and the Son to tlu Prophets, Apoftles and Evangelifts, to be their infallible Guide in Preaching and Re- cording the Doc rive of Salvation . and the Witnefs. of its certain Truth by his manifold Divine operations. And he is given to quicken, illuminate, and fan&ifie all true Believers, and to fave them from the Devil, the World, and the Flefh. ï. TheHoly Spirit is God, the third Perron in the Trinity: To him in Scripture is oft afcribed eminently, i. The Love of God, and the Gift of Lóve to Man ; (as to the Son is afcribed the Wifdomof God, and the Word of Wifdom.) 2. Theex- terior operations of Göd on the Creature; (as the Sun oye- rateth on the Earth by its motive, enlightening and heating brames, which are indeed it felf.) 3: The PerfeWing of Gods operations efpecially. And fo though the Three Perfóns are undivided,and all work together on the Creature ; yet eminent- ly the Father is called the Creator, and the Original of N A- T II R E; theSon is called the Redeemer, and the Giver of GRACE; the Holy Spirit is called the Sanaißßer and the Beginner of G L O RY. Or the vA Tu R F of Man is of the Father, his MEDICINE is of the Son,rnd his HEA LT FI of the Holy Gboft, given by the Father and the Son. 2. The Holy Ghofl is given in feveral meafures to men, and for feveral ulès, for the Churches Edification. When any new Law orBoarine was revealed to the World, God gave theSpi- rit of Miracles to prove it to be of him. So it was when Mofes gave the Law ; and fonetimes to the Prophets, when they brought any newMeffàge; and as they prophefiead of thrift, fo they had. the Spirit ofChrift to infpire them. But the great and wonderful meafure of thé Spirit was given to the Apoflles, and other Chriflians in the firfl Age of the Gofpel-Church, to unable them infallibly to Preach and Record the Hiflory, and Datrine, and Commands of Chrifi, and to Seal it with Mi- 'racles, by healing the Sick, railing the Dead, fpcaking various Languages, &c. Therefore the Scripture written by the Spirit in diem, is left as the Iule of our Faith and Life, and all the Mo.ioas or Revelations that feet to conic from the Spirit now, rm