Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

are tobe tryed by theScripture ; hecaufe we have not the Carne Gifts or meafure of the Spirit as the Apofiles had : fo that to try theSpirits by the Scripture, is but to try our dcu1 f l and fmallerGifts of the Spirit, by the Apoliies certain and greater Giftsof the Spirit. The Belief of the Scriptures, indited by the Spirit, belongeth to this Articleof our belief in the Ho.ÿ Chef/. cellThe ordinary Renrr ng work of the Holy fpirit, is the ne; áry b ginning of our Salvation: And withoùt Holinefs nor}e can feeGod. Sogreata work is this on man, that Chrifis owan death and Refurretion, acid Mediation in Heaven, is the n;e,vís to procure and give us this Spirit ; and its work is Gods Image on us, and called The Divine Nature. Thereare three parts of this operation on us,i.It's ORickning workto make us Alive to God, who were dead and dull to all holy alts. 2. Its Illumination, to open the eye of our darkned Underfianding, by I(noa-1 d;e and Faith, curing our Ignorance and unbelief. 2. Its conv?%ting or fantlilying Work on the will, turning us from the Love of fenfual and worldlypleafures, to the Love ofGod and Holinefs : Which becaufe it is the perfediveai, L OV E. is taken in Scripture for the film of all Sanaification : And to give the Spirit of Adoption, and to give us the LOVE of God, is the faire thing : To which Faith in chilli-is the meals : And yet the spe rit worketh alto that Faith in us : But when-he worketh Faith in us, he is but opening the door and entring, that by L 0 V E he may dwell and work. within us. As one compareth it to a Bird, that firft makethher Nell, and then layeth her Eggs and l.atch_th them. Faith in Chrifl is as the Bellowes by which the Spirit kindleth in us the L O VE of God : And Faith kindling L0 VE, and L O VE kindledby Faith, and workingby holy fruitful Obedience, is all the Spirits work,andall our Religión : For Mortification, and conguefi of the F'lefih, the World, and the Devil, is here comprized. This workof the Spirit is, a certaitu proof 'that Chrift is the true Saviour of the World., and his Gofpel true : For none but God can thus renew fouls ; and God wouldnot do it by falte Doarine. This Article therefore of our Belief in the Holy Ghofi, is of grand importance tobe underflood and well confidered. Pot while Chrlfl is. in Heaven.his Spirit is his Advocate and Apene in the fouls of men on Farth, and his witners in ail true Believers, to pleadChrift's Caufe, and prove his Truth, and finifhhis fa- ving Works, ar..dit men for the Leve of God, and. fa,: Glory.. G 3s =i