Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

454 tale PiïO? 5AnZ farnep And thisSpirit is to our fouls as our fouls to our bodies (ici fame fort) ; without which we can do. nothing holily : It is our I ife, Light and Love It is our Parneli Pledge and Firft-fruits of heavenly Glory, giving us the fore-tafts of it by Love;: and fuour witneo or Evidence, that, we are the Children of God. But it is a dangerous think that this Spirit is given us to'do all at once, or to do all abfolutely how ever we nfe it. It worketh the Love of God in us by degrees, and is to be work- ing itinus while we live. It wòrketh it by means, even by the Gofpel underftood; believed and"confidered; and we may no more look for the Spirit without the Word and Means úfcd by us, than for Health without Fool and Phyfici. Though hewe rkcth nfuperahly, when and where he pleafe, yet men may by ref ll- .ance forfeit and cluenchhis operations. And (mark it well) The greateft Rejvárdsjor Obedience,'and i'rtniflsmentsfor Sin, which God airs judge doth execute in this Life, are by giving men more of the Spirit, or by denying or with-holding its operations on rani abufe ; aahich is more to be feared than all other judgements in this world. Queft. 7, What believe you of the holy Cathslick Church, the Communion of Saints, and theforgivenefs éfSins ? Anfwe All that truly content to the Baptifmal Co- venant, are one fandified Church or Body of Chrift, and have Communion in the fame Spirit of Faith and Love, and have the forgivenefs of all their Sins , And all that by Baptifnz, vifsbly Covenant, and that conti- True to profefs Chriftiantty and Holinefs,' are the uni- verfal vifible 'Church on Earth and muff keep holy Communion with Love and Peace in the particular Churches, in the Dodtine, Worfhip and Order In ituted byChri.t, "Y. The world is Chrifi's Kingdomby Right, and governed by his tvirdom and power. The 'church is chrifis confenting Iqngdo.w, ìeule.1 by wildom and fpecial Love: He is Head over all things to the Church. It is his Body Political, Relatively; yet really quick- ned by his Spirit. It is his Office tobe both the Confeittttive go- ventingand quicfning. Head. The Formof the Church is its Re- lation to himas Its Head; He giveth it Laws, and judgeth and yea