ne Foal Mano atntip-Zook. 455 cxecuteth them e and appoinrethOfficers to it by his rsord and Grace. He as- a mediating Head,, is the Conveyer of the Spirit fromGod to us. The Churchbath no Unlverfal.Head but Chrifi. Ndne elfe bath Right : None elfe is capable or able; either as Principal or Vicar . under him. He bath comn:if3onated -none to fueh an Office. i Cor. i 2.27, 28,29. Ye are the body ofchilli, and men: - bers in particular. And God bathfit force in the the rch,fzrft Apo. files,fecondarily Prophets, &c. Are all Apofilss ? Are all Prophets &c. .Here Chrifl only is the- Head, the Church is only his Body; Apofiles are but chief --Members, and not the Head : And Apoffles re-the firfi, rankof Members, who were twelve at leaf: ;therefore there is noOneas a Head over them. Peter never governed the AFoflies : - They were neverbid. obey him, , It was one of the Corinthians Schifins, for forure:. to .make him a head, as others did Paul, -and others Apollo, and to fay, We are of cephas : The Schifm was not cured by calling them all to take Peter for the Head. The Pope is no morePeters fucceffor, than theBilhop ofAntioch is andothers : Ifhe had, he had not beeneither Conflitutive'or_Governing Head of the; Church. He that is Headas ChrillsVicar; mull be an univerfal Prophet,univer- tal Prieft, anduniverfal king ofthe Church. The Church is not the Popes Bodyor Kingdom : He is a Ufurper ofmuch of Chrifis Prerogative, by a falle pretenfe of being a Vicar-Head. And fo will any General Council be that (hall claim the f Of- fice. The Church of Rome materially, fo far as they . ans, area part of the CatholickChurch, thora; t Tsuiforrnallyas they are a Body headed by the u¡r t .ey ¡e - ful Policy, and no Church of Chrifl at all : For he conunan lcz"a not, but condenmeth Incha Policy. This Church of Rome'isa'Seft or Sçhifin from the Catholick Church : It is but about the fourth part of the Chriflians in the World, who all make up the univerfal;Church.. The Abaqines, eoptie4syrians, Armenians, Indians, the Greeks and Mojcovites, with all the Reformed Churches, are, as many calculate, four parts of five, but at the leaft, two parts in three, ofthe Church. The cutting, off of all.;thefe as none of. Chrifls Church, and making none in the World to be Chriflians, but the Subjeas of the Pope, and contending for this with'.Fire.and Sword and falfe railing Volumes, is the grand Schiflit in the World, and that which llili keepeth open the Wounds of the Church , and the fcandalous pernicious Contentions of Chriflen- ¿om. Thy. Gg 4