4 5 G fine Poin ano family"Sad, The Pope had the fame Original with the Patriarchs, hein bu t the firfi of them, which all 'confefs was Humane. Had not the GreekChurch (then far bigger, than the Latin) thought his Primacy to be humane, they could never have claimed that right to Conrtaratinople, which they knew had none but humane right.The truth is, the Pope was at firft, and for many hundred years, but the chiefBifhop in one Empire, as the Archbi(hop ofcantitiury is in England; and it was the 'Churches of that Empire that made up the Councils called General, being called by the Emperors, who had no Fower anywhereelfe through the World. And in time, his Ufurpafion turned the Roman world into the whole world, and his Kingdom mull be the whole cir- cumferenceof the Earth,which is moil unknown, and but three or four times, was ever fo much as compaffed bySea. And fee- ing it is the Apoflolick Office to convert fouls as well as rule theni, and he undertaketh that univerfal hteadfhip, which 'never, any Apofile did, what a World of People in 7'artary, India,' the Dirki;h Empire, Africk, 'attic Antipodes, and the unknown World, bath this defperate Undertaker to anfwer f®r ? A true Catholick muft be of a greater Church than that OfRome, even theuniverfal Church containingall Chriftians. He mull be of no Seaor Schifra, and therefore np apifl', for they are but a Sett. The trueConfenters to theBaptifmalCovenant,are theChurch in the firft fenfe, truly holy : But thebaptized (not apoftatized) who arevifible Confenters and'Profefrors of Chriftiantty, are the Church as vifible, and are holy by Vifible 'feparation to God, and dedication tohim.The 'Confounding of the Church myfti- cal and vifible, tempteth force to feparate from the '`Church vi- iible, as if it were not holy. And the 'Papifts have made a Church vifible oftheir'own invention, which is a Body-politick, headed by a pretended Humane head : Sortie Gall it (-7he Church- coqÇ'? c'ate,1 to infinuate that it is filch a Policy. But the grand. Point in which we renounce Popery is this, and we hold, that there is no filch Political Churchon Earth, that hath any univer- fal c ?flitutiveor governing Head boldes Chrift ; who is viIihie Heaven, and was once vifible on Earth, where his Church is fillvif bie. The unity of the Spirit of Faith and Love, is the chief . part of the Communion ofSaints: And the fecond is in the ex- erc;le of that Faith and Love in external Communion ; which is in doing all the good they can for each other, and communica- clog for tlrehehefof thole that need, as men will do who love others