Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

ebe pool ¡pans fa>infïp 457 others as then felves : And alto in a concordant Holy worfhip- ping ofGod. Forwhich end particular Churches are appoint- ed by.Chrifi, who are tobe guided bytheir feveral Paftors, who are Miniflers under Chritt, in his Teaching, Priefily and Ruling Office. And that Worfhip is infhituted by Chrifi inwhich this Communion mutt be exercifed, faving that the ordering and circumflances are much left to the Church Guides. And the Lords Day is feparated for this folemn holy Communion. And Difcipline is to keep clean the Church, that it may be a Com- munionof Saints. 4. The Remilfionof Sins is the other part of the Salvation of the Church ; the fruit of thrifts blood, and the Gift Of his Cove- nant, asSanogißcation is the work of his Spirit. Remiflion of fin is our Juflification (including the Gift of Right si Life) ; And it hath three degrees, or is of three forts : r. Conf it. Live, which givethus Right to impunity, and difíòlveth our Guilt or Obligation to Punifhment : This is Gods Ad as Legiflator and Donor by the New Covenant, which is the Gift of our Right. 2. Sentential by which God as Judge pronounceth us pardoned and ¡rift. 3. Executive, by which God actually freeth us from punifhment, (of fenfe and lofs,) and giveth us life. Remiflion is i. univerfal, of all fins pail ; and this is given at once : Really by God at the timeofour true believing and contenting to the Covenant. But by folemn Minifterial delivery in Baptifm(vifìbly;)in which Chrifl with Pardon is folemnly de- livered by Gods appointment to trueBelievers, and their Seed that by them are dedicated to God. 2. Particular,of every fin after Baptifm and Converfion : For upon particular Repentance, God give thus the pardon of particularfins from day to day. Sin may be faid to be virtually forgiven before it is committed, becaufe the caufes of forgivenefs are exiflent : But that is no properly anual forgivenefs : For that which is not yet fin, can- not he forgiven-fin. The condition ofPardon and Juflification is fometime called Faith limply, fometime alto Repentance: and indeed is a penitent Relievers confine to the Covenant of Grace, which is the condition ofhis Titleto this and the other Rights of the Cove- nant at once : It being a free gift purchafed by Chrifls Sacrifice and meritorious Righteoulnefs,andby this Covenant made ours. This is the plain and full Donrinc of Remiflion & JuftiFcation ; beyond which a good Chriffian need not trouble his head with the invented words and r.iceties, and controverees of there times. The featentí4 and execui;;c f;ç,?ifuc pica or t zmijsri,n is