Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

45g PaqMaui farrutp It5oo};. is begun on Earth, but perfec`fed at the final Judgement ; and bothpats according toour canfïitútive Remilion and Jiifiifica- tion by the Covenant. Adoption addeth fome further dignity to Believers, above what is in bare Remiflion and Juffification , which cometh from the fame Merits and Gift ofClí ift. Q8eft.8. What believe yon of the Refurrcc`lion and gerlaftingLife ? Anfiu. At Death the Souls of the juifified go to Happinefs with Chrift, and the Souls of the wicked to Mifery : And at the end of this World, Chrift will come to Glary, and will raife the bodies of all men from death, and will judge all according to their Works : And the Righteous shall go into everlafting Life, where being made perfeef' themfelves, they thalt fee Gad, and perfectlyLoveand Praife himwith Cbrifit and all theglorified Church; And the reft into everlafting Punifhment. I. The fouls ofthe Righteous go prefently at death to Chrift in Paradife or Heaven; and the wicked to mifery, which is Hell. 2. Chrift'sfecond glorious coming is the day ofour great Deliverance and Joy, which all true Believers love and fhould long for. 3. The Dottrine ofthe Refurre£tion is fullyopened by Chriff, fob. ,. and byPan., t Car. j 5. ofwhich Chrift's own "itefurreai on is our Pledge. 4. The laft Judgment is that which endeth all Controverfies , and finally and perfeätly jutìifieth Believers, who were but ini- tiallyarid preparatorily juflified before. Chrift will be both Judge and our Advocate, TheLaw ofGrace (and not Innocen- cy)is it that we muff be judged by ; but according to the divers Editions of that Law, which men I ived under. And the Works that they fhall be judged by, are the Performance or not Perfor. mance of the Conditions of this Law of Grace For by the WorksoftheLaw ofPadres or of Innocency, none can be Juffi- fed Nor yet by any Commutative Merits of his Faith, Love, orGofpel- Obedience ; but only as they are the terms on which God giveth the Life which is purchafed by the Death and per- felt Righteoufnefs of Chrift ; which in the thing it felf and value is a meet Gift, thank the credee ox', it is by the Law of Grace,