Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

t4-; . .'A t _ t- Grace, by which ivemull be judged. So that Chrift juttineth by his own Merits, Satisfaction, and free Gift thereon, agaitift the Charge of our deferving Damnation for fin as fin, againft the Law of Innocency and Works : fo be it, we be otherwtfe jufli- fiable'againfi the Charge of being Infidels, Impenitent and Un- godly. tot` Chrift did not Repent andBelieve for us, nor was tloly to excufeus from being Holy ; but we mutt Believe, Repent; and be Holy our felves byhis Grace, and by thefe themfelves be jullified againft the falle Accufation that we are Unbelievers Impenitent and Unholy. Chrift dothnct take away the faultinefs of 'our Actions, or the guilt ofSin, as fin limply in it Pelf, fo as that we (hall be. reputed Innocent or finlefs : But he taketh away the guilt of. Punishment, and the guilt ofSin refpeaively as binding to Pu- sai1hmcnr and no more. 5, The Glory ofSaints will be, I. In the full Perfeit ion of their own Souls and Bodies. 2. In the perfca and Pre/fe (andService) ofGod,forhis own fake, a, . e Good and'-Clbjed of Love and Praife..3. And .bb+ ception and joyful fente ofGods Love to us,and toall, q., And in the fruition ofChrift in Glory. 5, With th cl Society ofall the glorified Angels and Saints. o. And .aas to all Eternity. This Faith forefeeth, Love for e'taltetlt> and we mull joyfully expert byHope, and leek in Obedience. 6. The Wicked Iliall be miferable with the Devil and. his-Ser- yanrs, in their own fin, and the lofs of the favour of God, and the tormenting fenfeof bothon their Confeiences,and in bodily mifery, and defpair ofall remedy for ever. Oueft. 9, You have tad me what you II. Confent: Belseve:Tellmenowwhat ù.thefull Refo- lotion and Defire of your Will, concerning all bris whichyouBelieve. Anfw. Believing in God the rather, Son and Holy Spirit, I do prefently, abfolute'Iy and refolvedly give up my felf to Him, my Creator andReconciled God and Father, my Saviour, and my Sane ifier. And, Re- penting of my Sins,, I renounce the Devil, the World, and the finful defires ofthe Flefb. And my fell, and taking up my. Crofs, I Confent to follow Christ the-Car-lain of my Salvation ; in Hope of the Grace