46 Ue Poo; 49aa:tamup ba a. Grace and Glory promifed. Which I daily ddJre and beg, ashe bath taught me, faying [Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.] i. The will is the Man, and according to the will we are efteemed ofGod. Knowledge and Belief is hut the entrance of Grace, to the Heart and will ; where LOVE is the Heart of theNewCreature. The hour whenwe truly make this Heart- Coven ant and Content, we are Converted, Sant i fled,fuftified and Adopted : and not till then. But children are asparts oftheir parents; who are bound to enter them into the Covenant of God; and whole Will choofeth for them, till theyhave Natural Keafon andWill to ufe themfelves. It isFaith inGod the 1:ather ,Sonand Holy Ghoft,which isonly laving, and not in one alone; even a contenting praftical Faith, w,üch is our true Chriftianity it felf : nor are we juftified by anyother. 2. The fords Prayer, being the fum of our De. The foregoing fires, belongeth to this Head ; It being but the Prayers ex- wills profecution of that good which it confenc- poxnd the Loyd! ed to, andhopeth for. Prayer. Queft. Io. What is thee PracticeTahiti; by III. Praifice. this Covenant youareobliged to ? e 4 nrw. According to the Law of Nature , and Chrift's InftituLions, I muft ( defiring Per- fection) fincerely Obey Him,in a Life of Faith, and Hope, and Love : Loving God as God, for Himfelf, above all ; and Loving my felf as his Servant, efpecially mySoul, and feeking its Holinefs and Salvation ; and Loving my Neighbour as my felf : I muft avoid all Ido- latry of Mind or Body, and muff Worfhip God ac- cording to his Word ; by learning and meditating The Lords Supper, on his Word'; by Prayer, Thankf and neher church - giving, Praife and life of his Sacra- Ordin_: vices , are ment : I muft not profane, but ho- onered.n the 8th. lily ufe his holy Name : I tuft keep ho- dayes Confe- i the Lords ec DIY efp ially in Com- rence, a'r?d more y p y fuliv in my uni- munion with the Church-Affemblies verfai ccnrord. I muff honour and obey ray Parents, Magi