Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

ano famíipWok. 461 Magií{rates, Paftors, and other Rulers ": I muft not wrong my Neighbour in thought, word, or deed, in his Soul, his Body, his Chaf}ity, Eftate, Right, or Pro- priety ; But do him all the good I can,;. and do as I would be done by ; Which is fummed up in the Ten Commandments,[GodJake all theft words,faying,&c.] Becaufe the Ten Commandments are Plain thenifelves, and Parents yet mull Read fuller Expofitions of them to their Families, than I mull here laydown, I fhall give no other Ex- pofition of them but only, r. That every Commandment both forbiddeth Evil, and commandeth the contrary good. 2. That every Commandment reacheth to Thoughts and Affetti- ons, Words and Actions. 3. That the things Commanded are not tobe done always, but in their proper feafons: But nothing abfolutely forbidden muft ever be done : But things forbidden only in fome cafes, may be done out of thofe cafes. 4. That the Commandments mullbe underftood by Chrift's Expofition, with the addition of his Gofpel Ìnftitutions : and obey'd as Chrills, ioyned to the New Covenant; and not as given by Moofes, as belonging to the Covenant of Worksmade with the Jews, or as part ofthe Covenant ofInnocency made with d4dam at the firfi. FDY'?W