Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

go Cqe jpoo? n.gfarníïp Crofs-bearer; You will take _ihipping with Chrift and his Servants ; and let go all in hope of Heaven. But ifyou do not forfake all (in heart) and follow him, re- folving to take Heaven inftead ofall, you do not Trutt him, what ever you may pretend. S. I cannot deny but what you fay is the plain truth. P. Suppofe that you were tick and only one Phyfi- cian could cureyou; and he offereth to do it freely if you truft him, that is, will truft your life to his skill and care ! And force give out that he is but a Deceiver and not to be trufted, andothers tell you that he never failed any that he undertook. If you Yruft him now, you will commit your Pelf wholly to his care, and fol- low his Counfel and take his Medicines, and forfake ail others. But if you dáflruft him, youwill neglect him. And if any thould fay I truft this Phyfician with my life, and yet flay at home and never come near him, nor take may of his Counfel, or at leafl none of his Medicines, would you not count him mad that lookt to be cured by fuch, a truft ? S. I confefs this helpeth mebetter to underftaand what Trufling in God, and Believing ire Chrift is : 1 doubt many (u) fay they truft him, that keep their fans and holdfait the world, and never dreamt offorfalejng allfor the Hopes of Heaven. e But I thought, Sir, that this Command of for` fakingall, and taking up our crofs, had been fpoken only to filch as lived in times of Perfecution, when they mutt deny Chrift or die , and not to us that live where Chriftianity is profeffed. god ritI.It?_ forbid