Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

_ 462 litt) Pao? anofamiip 'Zoort. Fortis of Prayer, Praifë and_,C`atcchifm, for the ufé of .I9,nomant that: need them. ;a Lader. I purpofely ai o d osierdoiñg; d preparing thee too°muck work, .left my in- tended help fhould prove a hinderancee But becaufe all have not the fame. TeifUre , I have given you both longer and fhorter FQrtfïs ''that youmayufe that which is fittt& for the rime and PerEons. J. Whenyou awake, let your hearts thus move to- wards God. I rou Lord who art the lifeofall the World,haft mer- cifullyprefervedme in life this night, when I could d a nothing to keep nay f lf. I thank, theefor my health, at ?d refs' andpeace.0 now let thy mercies to me be renew- ed with the day. And let me fpend this day in thy Pre ¡te tion, by the helpofthy Spirit, in love and faith- ful, Service to thee, and in watchí tlnefs againft my con -options and ternptatiovs for the fakg of efiu hr fl, Amen H. Tho%