gue rpm 110 Emit!) 13o4, 463 II.Thofe that haveopportunity topray fcretly before Family Prayer, fhould Ipeak freelywithout Book from the feelingof their own wants, it they are able : If not; they maynie the fame Prayer which is for Famia lies fo faras their wants and cafes are the fame. III. AMorningPrayer f for a Family. rAAlmighty, All- Peeing and molt gracious God, VI who haft createdus and all things for thy Glo- ry; We finful Worms encouraged by thy own Corn.. mand andPromife, and the Mediation of Jefus Chrift our Redeemer, dohumblycall down our felves before thee, to acknowledge thy Mercies, to confefs our Sins, beg thy Grace, and to ruder thee our Praife and, Service. We thank thee that thou haft made us reafonable Creatures, to know, and love, and ferve our Creator, and capableof everlating happinefs in thy Glory : We thank thee that we who were born in 'Sin, and were thy Enemiesin our flefhiy flare, were not forfaken by thee in our Sins, nor left with the Devils to helplefs defperation; but have a Sufficient Saviour given us by thy Love, who bath redeemed us by his Blood, and gi- vena free pardon and title to Life, in his Covenant of Grace, to all that heartily accept him as their Lord and Saviour : We thank thee for his holy Gofpel, for his holy Example, for his holy Spirit, given to his Apoftles, Minifters andall true Believers : We thank thee for our Birth, onr Education, our Friends, our Health, our Peace and Liberty, and all our Comforts of this Life : We thank thee for our publick Teaching andour private helps, the comfort of thy holy Wor- fhipsand all the mans of our Salvation : But efpeci- ally