Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

464 Inc pa(); many fat/14"Sod. daily that thou haft bleffed any ofit to our good, and didft not fotfake our finful Souls, arid give us over to the blindnefs of our own Minds, and the hardnefs of our Hearts, and the flavery of our flefhly Defires and wills : How great was that Mercy, which did not only (pare our Lives, and keep us out of Hell while we were finning; but at lift convinced any of us of our fin and mifery, and awakened Our fleepy Souls unto Re- pentance, andmade us know the vanityof this world, and the certainty and glory of the Life tó come, that we might know thee and feek thee our End and hap - pinefs 1 How great was thy Metcy, which opened to tis the myfteries of thy Gofpel, and drew its to thy. Son, as the way to Thee ! But, alas, we have ill requited thee fo'i thy Tove l Our Original Sin, bath been too fruitful in our finful lives 1 Our Childhood and Youth was (pent in too much folly, and flefhly fenfuality I How long`did we forget our God and our Souls, our Death and our ever- flue ; as if we hadno life to live but this, and we had been made to live and die like Beaffs ? How' longdid we live in Ignorance and Unbelief, and little knew the nature and office, our want, and the worth and riches ofChrift ? How long did we live before thy Love in Chrift did melt us ? and before we knew the lifeofFaith? and before we were brought to theha- tred of Sin, and love of Holinefs -? and before that ever we loved thee our God, and the heavenly King- dom above this world ? Alas; we were deceived by thevanities here below, and followed the finful delires of the Flefh, and refitted thy Spirit which movedus to repent and turn to thee; And fince we contented to thy holy Covenant, we have too often yielded to temptations, and loved thee I'd coldly and ferved thee fb