Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

fo flothfully, and livedfo unfruitfully, and made. fo ill a ufe of thy Mercies, and of our alic`fions, that thou . tnighreft juftlyhave taken thy Spirit from us, and fuf- fered us to return toour former mifery. But O do not enter into Judgment with us ; For- give us for his fake who is the Sacrifice and Propitia- tion for our fins. Charge not upon us the Sins of our corrupted Nature, or ofour Lives ; of our Childhood$ Youth or riperAge . our Sins of Omiffion or Commiffi- on, of Knowledge or of Ignorance, of Rafhnefs or Negligence, of finful Luft and Paillon, or of Sloth. Wain us in the blood, and accept us for the Merits of theperfec`fboliriefsand fufferings ofour Redeemer.We dare not come to thee, but in his Name, nor expecg any pardon or mercy from thee, but for his fake, and by his hand. Ler our hearts be fincere in contenting tohis Covenant by a lively Faith, that we may be one with him our bleffed Head, and may receive the con- tinual Communications of his Spirit. Our Souls arc by Corruption dead to God, and dark,through Igno- rance, Error and Unbelief, and difafefied to thee and to thy holy way's, till that Spirit do quicken, illuminate, andfantZifae us. Q give us this Spirit, the greateft of thygifts on Earth ! Let him dwell by a new and holy nature in us : Let him fill our hearts with holy Itfeq that we may live to Thee and die to Sin : And with holy light, that wemay know Mee in Clarif, and know thy Ward, and believe thy Truth : And with holy love, that our whole deliire may be to Thee, and our delight be in Thee ; and, being ?leafed in 'Thee, we may through Chrift be pleafant to thee.for ever. O let not our Ignorance and Unbelief prevail ! Let not our love to thee be (till fo cold! Our delires fodull, ncr our endeavours fo flotbful ! nor our hopes of Hea fi yen