466 ?DE Mano 'fan1ÍÏp 'kook. ven fo faint and Weak 1 Let not the Pleafures, or Riches, or Honours of thisWorld ever fteal our Hearts away from Thee I Nor our flefhly defires overcome thy Spi- rit l Govern our affehions, thoughts, words and ahi- ons, our fenfes, our appetites, and our pafflons by thy Grace. Deliver us from Selfi!hnefs,and teach us to love our Neighbours as our felves, and to wrong .rib man in our thoughts, `'words, or deeds ; but to do all the good that we can to others, to their Souls and Bodies. Save us from the devilifh fin ofPride, and all the fruits ofit ; And make us humble and low in our own eyes, and to loath our felves for all our -fins ; and to be pa tient, if we are vile in the eyes of others. Save us from Temptations, 'and confirm our Wills, that they may not be eafily drawn to fin. Efpecially fave us from thofe great I-hart- ditempers,which are mofl powerful in us, and which we leaft hate and refill. Give us fuch publick and private helps for our Souls, as we moll: need ; and blefs them to us. Make us faithful in all the duties of our Relations; in Kingdom, Church and Family) as we are Superiors, Inferiors or Equals; that we may have the comfort of them all. Merciful- ly difpofe ofour PerIons, our Friends and our Affairs. Provide for and próteh our Bodies, and make us con- tented with our dáily bread, and patient iffor our fins we want ir. Be merciful- to the afilihed, and give fuch feafonable deliverance to the liick, the poor, the oppreffhd, and the broken- hearted, as is mot for their; own and others good, and for thy Glory. 'Continue thy Gofpel to thefe and all the refit: of the -Churches Furnifh them all with s. ilfttl, hei -1,ad Pizf crs; - and.blefsth ir-L:abourstothe' increaf° 'of heli/e15 love andpeace. Rekik the 12' bra icc, Pride and rzrharid' sdvInc s, which do ftill divide us; And 'give the Know!