Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

4 fe4e Pow angi f$atfip 'Zook. 4A Knowledge, Humility and Love which muff unite and heal us. Biefs the Kingandall in Authority, with the wifdom, holinefs and juftice, which are neceffary to the welfare of themfelves and us Teach them togovern , andus to obey, as the Subjects of thee the King of Kings. Revive knowledge and holinefs in all the Churches through the World, and lead them into the way of Peace and Concord, and fave them from their Sins , and Enemies I Deliver all deceived and oppreffed Nations, efpecially Chrilliaaïs; fromThe Tyranny, Seduft on and rJt'falignityof their Deceivers andOppreffors : Pity the many Kingdoms of the World that are drowned in ,H athenifm, Inftde- lityand Mahometanifm : Subdue the Powers that re- bel againft thee, and let the Kingdoms of the World be the Kingdoms ief Chrift : Open a way for the Gofpel to them ; and fend them meet Teachers for fo great a work ; That thy Name may be hallowed, and thy Kingdom come, and thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread : Forgive us our trefpaffes as we forgive them that tref- pafs againft us : Lead us not into temptation,but de- liver us from evil : For thine is theKingdom, the Power and the Glory for ever : The world and all therein are thine : Whatever pleafeth Thee, thou dolt : Thy ene- mies andours are in thy Power : Thou giveft life to all the living ; and thy Mercies are over all thy Works I Heaven and Earth are continued by thy. Power and Will ; and all things in them are ordered by thy Wif- dom : Great art thou, O Lord, and greatly to be fear'd I Wife art thou, and abfolutely to be obeyed 1 Good art thou, and unmeafurably to be loved 1 The Image and Gloryofthy Perfection fhinethin thy won- derful Works : But above all in'ourgloriñed Redeemer H h z and