468 ir.Cqe lOou? 3ano amilp%pd. and his triumphant Church ; where "thy Light en- Fgheneth, thy Love infiameth; and thy Glory glorifieth the bleffèd Spirits ofthat glorious World ; where An- gels and Saints in beholding, and loving, and praifing Thy Glory, are filled with everlafting' joy : For of Thee, and through Thee, and to Thee are. all things :. To Thee be the Glory fear ever, Amen. A1bcrter Prayerfor the Morning,in the methodofthe° Lorde Prayer, being but anExpofition ofit.. Oft glorious GO D, who art Power, and:Wif- dom, and Goodness it felf,. the Creatour of all things ; the Owner, the Railer, and the Benefactor of theWorld, but fpecially of thy Church and chofen ones Thoughby Sin original and aftual we were thy 'Enemies, the llaves of Satan and our Flefh, and under thy digpleafure and the condemnation of thy Law ;. yet . thy Children, redeemed by Jefus Chrift thy Son, and r generated by thy holy Spirit, have leave tocall thee their reconciledFather: For by thy Covenant of Grace, thou haft given them thy Son to be their Head, their Teacher and their Saviour ; and in Him thou haft ar- doned, adopted and fanftifed them ; fealing and re- paring them by thy holy Spirit, for thy Celeflial ing- dom, and beginning in them that holy life, and light, , and love, which (hall be perfefted with thee in everlàft- iag Glory. Owith what wondrous love haft thou lo- vedus, that of Rebels we should be made the Sons of God ! Thou haft advanced us to this dignity, that we fright be devoted wholly to Thee as Thine Own, and might delightfully obey Thee, and entirely love The with all our heart l and fo mi ht glorifie thee here and forever,