Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

e Pow fi9Ano famiCpZooli 1 469 O .caufe both us, and all thy Churches, and all the World, to hallow .thy, great and holy Name ! and to live to Thee as our Ultimate End ; that thy fhining Image on holy Souls may glorifie thy Divine Per- fe Lion. And caufeboth us and all the Earth, to of} off the tyranny of Satan and the Flefh, and to acknowledge thy SupreamAuthority, and to become the Kingdoms of Thee and thy Son Jefus, by a willing and abfolute fubjecion. O perfect thy Kingdom of Grace in our felves and in the world, and haften the Kingdom of Glory.. And caule us and thy Churches, andall people of the Earth, no more to be ruledby the hefts of the í~lefh, and their erroneous Conceits, and by felf -will , which is the Idol of the Wicked;but by thy perfeF domand holy Will revealed in thy Laws : Make known thy .Word to all the World, and fend them the Mefí'ett- gers of Graceand Peace ; and caufe men to underfland, believe and obey, the Gofpel ofSalvation : and that with, firth Holinels, Unity and Love, that the Earth, which is now too like to Hell, may be made liker unto Heaven ; and not only thy £tattered imperfect Flock, but thofe alto who in their carnal and ungodly minds do now re_ fufe a holy life, and think thy Word and Wayes too fl'ric},maydefire to imitate even the heavenly Church ; where Thou art obeyed, and loved and praifed, with high Delight, inHartrtorty and Perfection. And becaufe our Being is the fubj_c$ of our wcll being, maint tin us in the life which thou haft here g'. venus, untill the work of life be finifhed ; And give u loch health ofmind and body, and fuch proteei on and fupply ofall our wants, as alai!. bell fir us for our du.y Ani make us contented with our daily bread, and H h 3 paieï.t