Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

470 etc Poo; atte fatttßtp')saot. patient if weV nt it ; And fave us from the` love of the Riches, and Honours, and Pleafures ofthis Wied , and the Pride,sandilfgenefs, and Senfuality which' they cherifh ; And citifyus to ferve thy Providence b `;our diligent Labours, and to ferve thee faithfully With all that thou giveft`us And let us not make provifion for the Flefh,to iatisfiefts defires and lofts. Andwe befeeth Ghee of thy Mercy, through the. Sa- crifice and propitiation of thy beloved Son forgive us all our Sins, original and ac$ual, from our Birth to this hour ; our omi lions of duty, and committing of what thou didft forbid: our fins of heart, and word, and deed ; our finful' thoughts and affections, our finful pallions and difcontents ; our fecret and our open fins; our fins ofnegligence and ignorance, and raft nefs'; but elpeciallyoui fins àgainft knowledge and confcience which have made the deepeft guilt and wounds'. Spare us, O Lord, and let not ont tin fo find us out as to be our ruine ; but let us fo find it Out; as truly to repent and turn to thee ! Efpecially '. punifh us not with the lofs of thy Grace I Take licit thy holy Spirit" from us, and deny us not bis of iftance andholy operations. Seal to us by that Spirit the pardon of our Sins, and lift up the light of thy` Countenance uponus, and give us the joy of, thy favour and falvation. And let- thy Love and Mercy to us fill us not only with Thankfulc efs to Thee, but with love and merev to our Brethren and our Enemies ; that we may heartily forgive them" that do us wrong, as through' thy Grace we hope we 4o, And for the time to come, fuller us not to cafe Pur felves wilfully into Temptations ; but carefully to void them, and refolutely to refft and conquer what pi-mot avoid ; And O Mortifie thofe inward fins and