Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

co pow spano fatnifp 'Zook, 47 i and Tufts, which are our conílant and-aloft dangerous temptations : And let us not be tempted by Satan or theWorld, or tryed by thy Judgements, above the flrength which thy Grace (hall give us. Save us from a fearl efs confidence in our own flrength : And let us not dally with the fnare, nor tafle the bait, nor plea with the fire of thy wrath But caufe us to fear And depart from evil ; left before we are aware, we be en- tangled; and overcome, and wounded with. cur Guilt andwith thy, wrath, and our end fhould be werfe than our beginning : ,Efpeciáily faveus from chofe radical fins of Error, Unbelief, Pride, Hypäcrife; Hard-heart- ednefs, Senfuality, Slothfulnefs, and the love of this prefent World, and the lofs of our love toThee, to thy Kingdom and, thyWays. And faveus from the malice of Satan and of wicked men, and from the evils which our Sins would bring upon us. And as we crave all this from thee; we humbly ten- der ourPraifes with our future fervice to thee l Thou art the King of all the .World, and more than the life of all theliving l Thy Kingdom is éverlaffing : Wife and juft and merciful is thy Government. ' Blelfed are they that are thy faithful Subjects ; But ve bath har- dened himfelfagaintt thee, and bath profpere The whole Creation proclaimeth thy Perteaion : But is Heav en where the bleffed fee thy Glory, and the Glory ~,. of our Redeemer, where the Angels and Saints behold thee, admire thee, adore thee, love thee, and pratfe thee with triuruphan t joyful Songs, the Holy, Holy, Holy God, the father; Son, and HolyGhat, who was, and is, and is to come; Cf Thee, and through Thee, and toThee are all things : To Thee be Glh,ry for ever. Amen. Hh4. 1V.A