Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

472 1E0e Poo; fflano famítpZook. IV. APrayer for Morning or Evening in ,Families. OG 0D, the infinite Eternal Spirit, Molt .Per- fec`t in Power, Wifdom and Goodnefs ; Though mortal eyes cannot behold thee, nor any created un- derftanding comprehend thee, thou art prefent with us, and feeft all the fecrets of our hearts ; Our fins and wants areknown to thee ! But thou requireft our confeffions as the exercife of our repentance, and our petitions as the exercife ofour defires and filial depen- dance upon thee, And O that our Souls were more fit for thy Holy prefence, and for this great and holy work t O thouwhofe mercy inviteth miferable Sinners to come unto thee, by the new and living way ; meet us not in thy jufîice as a confuming fire, but accept us in thy righteousand beloved. Son in whofe Mediation is our truft. Thouwhoart the Great Creator of all things, didft makeus ''in thine Image, to know thee, to love thee , and to ferve thee ; But fin hath corrupted all our pow- ers, and turned them from thee, and againft thole ho- lv ends and ufes, for which thou didft create us : In "fin we were conceived, and in fin we have lived, in- creafing our original guilt and mifery, Though we knew that thou art our Owner, we have lived as if we were at our own difpofal : We have called thee our King and Ruler ; but we have rebelled againft thee , and obeyed our carnal wills and appetites : Thou art Goodnefs and Leve it felt; and the author ofall that is god and amiable in all the world ; and our Souls should have loved thee, with fervency and delight But our hearts have been eftranged from thee, and a -, fought delight in worldly vanities, and in the pleating