Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

lo¢poo Jan fatuity ?600tt. 473 rieafing ofour flefbly minds and lofts. This deceitful world hath bad our love, our care, our thoughts, our words, our time, our labour, as if it had been our home and portion, and we bad been to continue here for ever,whileft our God and our immortal Souls have been neglected. Thou haft made us capable of endlefs Glory, and called us to leek it, and -to let our hearts above on thee : But we have lived as if we believed not thy word, and hive defpifed the joys of Heaven which thouhaft offered us, and preferred our fhort and fen- foal pleafures. We have trifled in thy Worfhip, and ferved thee hypocritically withour lips alone we have taken thy dreadful Name invain : we have mifpent thy holy day, we have difhonoured our Superiors, and negleâed our inferiors Out Family which fhould have been ordered in holinefsas a Church ofGod, bath been a houle of vanity, worldlinefs and difcontent : Our thoughts havebeen guilty not only of vanity, folly and confufion, but ofmalice, andof unclean and filthy lulls ; Our tongues have been guilty, not only of idle and fooli(h talk ; but alto wrathful words and railings, of filthy and immodeft fpeech, and of evil fpeaking and backbitingothers, and of many a lie. We have nor lovedour Neighbours as our (elves; nor done by all others as we would have had them done by us : But we have been all for our carnalfelves, Proudly defiring our own exaltation and efteem ; and Covetoufly de- firing our own commodity ; and Senfually defiring pleafure to our felves ; whilft we have too little cared tor the corporal or fpiritual goodof others. We have been very backward to love our enemies, and heartily . to forgive a wrong. Wehave been unprofitable abufers of thy talents, andhave wafted our precious time in va- nity, and done but little good in theworld. And