Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

474- inQP39? Mano fatnitp And though thy wonderful mercy hath given us Redeemer, and in him a fufficient remedy for our fins and thou haft pofed the underftandings of men and Angels, in this ftrange expreffion of thy Wfdom and thy Love; yet havewe ftaggered at thy word in Un- belief, and ftupidly neglected this great falvation. How carelefly have we heard and read thyGofpel? How little have we been affe&ed with all the Love and Stsfferings of our Saviour ? We could have been-- thank- ful toone that had faved our lives, or enriched -us in the world : But how unthankful havewe been to him, Who bath done fo much to fave our fouls from endlefs mifery? Alas, our hard unhumbled hearts, dó make light ofour fins and of thy juft difpleafure, and-there- fore make light of Chrift and Grace. And' it is juft with thee to deny us for ever, the mercy which we fer fo light by. But deal with u"s,' O Lord, according to thy 'Good- nefs, and according to our great neceffity, and not ac- cording to our'de:ferts. We have finned as Alen, but be thou merciful as God. Where our fin aboundeth, O let thygrace abound muclirnore I Thou gaveft man- kind a Saviour when we were thine enemies, and thou waft in Chrift reconciling the worldunto thy felf : And it is thy great delgn to glorifie thy wonderful love and mercy, by the advantage ofour great unworthinefs and nifay , and to forgive much, that we may love thee much. And ifafter all this, we fhould doubt of thy wìflingnels, to forgive believing penitent fouls , we fhouid greatly wrong the riches of thy grace. Thou foughtefl: us, when we fought not after thee And it is by thine own command that we feek thee, and beg thy Mercy ° And thou givefi us the, very delires, which we pour out before thee : Thou befeeclieft us to be recon- ciled,