ano famiip 1S6oti. 475" cited, arid' to receive thy grace : And Thal] we queftion then whether thou art willing to give it i? There is enough in-the- Sacrifice and Merits ofthy Son, to expi- ate oUr fins', and juftifie penitent Believers in thy fight. Thou haft made him the infallible Teacher of thy Church He is a King molt fit to Rule us, to defend and jdftifle us.: Thy Spirit is the fanaifier of Souls and thy Love is fufficientto be our everlafting felicity and tell. We therefore humbly give up our felves, to Thee.our''G OD ; To thee our Father, our Saviour, and our Sanctifier ; Befeeching thee to receive us upon the terms of thy Covenant of Grace. Remember not againftus" our youthful folly, ignorance and lulls For- giveour ferret and our open fins : Our fins of negli- gence, rafhnefs and prefumption : Efpecially thofe fins, which we have deliberately and wilfully committed , againft our knowledge and the ftrivings of thy grace. Renew and fañ&ifie 'us. throughly by thy Spirit Take fr'òtiï us the old and ftony hearts, and give us hearts more tender and craft-able : And give us the Divine andheavenly nature ; and make us Holy in the Image of thy Holinefs. Caufe us, to refign and devote our felvesand all that thou giveft us, entirely to thee as be- ing thine own. Bing.`all the powers of our fouls and bodies, into a full fubection to thy Government. Ò Phew us thine infinite goodnefs and perfeftions, and the wönderfúl mercy which thou haft given us 'in Chrift aid flied abroad thy Love upon our hearts by the HoIy Ghoft, that we may be conftrained by thy Love, to lovf thee above all things, with all our heart, and foul, and might. Let the beams of thy Love fo fire our hearts, that we may love . thee fervent- ly, anddelight to love thee, and tafte the beginning of she heavenly felicicy and pleafures in thy Love, and may