Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

476 IncPotv 'ratio famctp Zooli. may perceive that we can never Love thee enough but may (till be longing to love thee more. We dare , not fay O that we could Love thee as thou arc wor,. thy t ] for that is above bothmen and Angels : But O that we could love thee as wuçh as we would love Ghee t till we come to that molt blefled flare, where we fhall love thee more than now we can defre ! If we had never finned in word or deed, the want and weaknefs ofour Love to thee, is a fin which we can never fufficiently lament ; and the very Marne of our corrupted natures ; and a burden that we cannot bear We crave no other felicity in this life, than to know thee better and to love thee more Give us the fpirit of adoption, which may poffefs us with all child-like af- fefhons to thee, as our Reconciled God and Father in Chrifc. Caufe us to make thee our Ultimate End, and to feek thy Glory in all that we do. Let it be our thiefeft ftudy, in all things topleafe thee, to promote thy Kingdom, and to do thy will Set up thy Glory above the Heavens, and let thy Name be fanc`fified in all the earth. Convert the Heathen and Infidel world, and let their Kingdoms become the Kingdoms of thy Son. Give wife andholy Rulers to the Nations ; and let the Gofpel of Jefus, go forth as the Sun, to the enli htning of all the quarters of the Earth. O that the world which is ruled by the malicious Prince of darknefs, might receive and obey the holy Laws ; and in thebeauty and harmony of blind's, be made more like the Saints in Heaven. Reform the Churches which are darkened and defiled, and cart down that ty- ranny, ungodlinef,,.heretiic and fchifm which keep out Knowledge, Holinefs and Peace. Preferve and biefs. the Reformed Churches ; efpecially in thefe Kingdoms where we live. Biers the King and all in Authority : Teach