Teach our Teachers, and give both able and faithful paftors to all the Congregations of thefe Lands. And give the people obedient, pious and peaceable minds. Caufe us to feek firft thy Kingdom and righteoufnefs ; and let all other things be added to us. Give us all neceffaries for the fuftaining of our natures; and make us contentedwith our daily bread ; and patient, if for our fins we want it. Teach us to improve our pre- cious time, andnot to fpendit in idlenefs, or fin ; but difpatch the work upon which our endlefs life de- pendeth ; and to live as we (hall with at laft that we had lived. Let our daily fins'be daily and unfeignedly repented of;and be daily pardoned through JefusChritt And let us live in thebeliefof his mediation, according to our continual neceßities. Let thy exceeding Love and pardoning Mercy teach us to Love our Neighbours as our felves ; and to love our Enemies, and to par- don wrongs, and to do good to all according to our power. Strengthenus inour warfare againft the flefh, the world and the Devil ; that we may not only refift, but overcome. Keep us from the baits and fnares of fin ; and let us not thruft our (elves into temptations. Save us from ignorance andunbelief, from ungodlinefs and hypocrifie, from pride and worldlinefs, and Moth- tulnefs, and all finfuLpleafing of the flefh. Caufe us to worihip thee in holinefs, and reverently to ufe thy dreadful Name, and to remember the keeping holy of thy Day. Keep us from finful difobeying our Superi- ors ; and all unfaithful neglefting our Inferiors ; and from injuring any in thought, word or deed. Keep us from finful wrath and paillons : from all unchaftity in thought, deliires, words or aftions. Keep us from ¡leafing and defrauding- others : from lying,ílandering and backbiting ; and mortifie that felfilhnefs , which would