Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

47s `Depow fpRtIz lát1u$p 115Qìk. would let us againí} our Neighbours welfare : keep us from the judgments which we deferve;and let allafFliftià enswork together for our good. O help,fpcnd this tranfitory life, in a faithful preparation for our death :'And let our hearts and converfation be in /lea- ven : And forfake us not in the time of our extremity but take our departing fouls to Chrift. Add in the Morning. Add in the Evening. Proteet,Direaand Blefs Priferve us this night, us this day, in all our law- and give is Çuch ref} of ful wayes and labours, that body and , mind, as may in the Evening we may fit ,us for the labours return thee joyful thanks, of Abe . following . day , through jefus aril} our for the fake ofjefus Chrift only Saviour : In whole our Saviour: In whole words we fumm up all our words we fumm up our prayers, Our Father which requells, Our Father which . art in Heaven, Hallowed art in Heaven, &c. be thy Name. ThyKingdom come.Thy Will be done., on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give ui this day our daily' bread. Andforgive u,s our trefpaffes, as weforgive them that trefpafs againfius. And lead í2s not into temptation, but deliver to from evil : For thine is the Kingdom, the Powerand the Glory, for ever. Amen. mother Prayerfor Families : For Evening, or Morning. CA Eternal God, infinitely great, and wife,and good, our reconciled merciful Father in Chrift ; reject not us vile and tuiferable Sinners,, who conftrained by our