our Neceffities and invited by thy Goodnefs, calb down our (elves in the humble confeffion of our fins, and thankful acknowledgment of thy manifold Mercies, and earneflybeg thy further Grace. We were born with corrupted finful Natures, which from our Childhood we increafed by actual fin. And though thygreat Mercy had given us a fuflicient Savi- our, and a Covenant of Grace, and betirre engaged us to thee in that Covenant by our Baptifmál Vow, and gave us the great mercy of the Gofpel, and Chriflian Education ; yet did we finfully forget our Creatour, untharikfülly negleft our Redeemer, and rebellioufly reftfl the..Holy Ghoft. How blindly, howwilfully, and how long did we follow our flefhly minds and tufts, and loved pleafure more than God, and lived bruitifhly by fenfe and appetite, and minded little but the Vani- ties of thisWorld l Yet all this while didft thou pre- ferve our lives, and fupply our wants,and fave us from many a danger and calamity, when thy J uftice might havecut us off in our fins and lent uspto Hell as wede- ferved' But we abufed thy Patience, and all thy Mer- cies; and wafted our precious time in fin, and refufed ordelayed to repent, and harkened not to the voice of. thy Spirit and Word, thy Minifters are or Confci- ences; but hardened our hearts againft them all. We knew that we muff die, but we prepared not for it, nor ferioufly thought of the life that followeth ! we did not by a changed heart and life, prepare for the great change which death will make, nor confider that ex- cept we are born again of the Spirit, we cannot enter into the Kingdom ofHeaven I we were never fure one day, or night,nrhour, to fee another, and we knew our ume could not he long, and we were oft told, that as we