Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

inePoo; ipano Jamilp Zook, We'livedhere, we muff (peed in Heaven or Hell for ever and yet alas how fenflefly have we heard and known all this ? And how little care have we taken for our Souls, that they might be faved from fin and Hell, and live with Chrift in the heavenly Glory, in comparifon of the care that we have taken for our bodies, which we know mutt fhortly turn to duff Alas, pride and folly, and the vanities of this World , and examples of Sinners, and the floth, and appetite, and lufts of our own Flefh, have deceived us, and turned away our hearts from thee. And while we quieted our confcience with the name of Chriftianity, and a dead and outfide thew of Worfhip, we were ftrangers to a holy and heavenly Heart and Life, and drew near thee with our Lips, while our Hearts were farfrom thee. And tholeof us whom thy Grace bath turned from this fin and vanity to thy felf, did too long $and our, and delay our Converfion,and refill thy Spirit. And fince wehave ferved thee, alas how poorly, how coldly, how unconftantly,with what wavering & divided hearts, as ifwe were loth to leave the world and fin ;And by how many failingshave we quenched thy Spirit, and wronged thyGlory,& our Brethrens fouls and hindered our own comfort and increafe of Grace ? We have too little differed in heart and life from the Ungodly, and from our former Rateof fin ; And no wonder if our Faith, Hope and Love be weak, and if we have little of the joys of thy love and-our Salvation. Bur, O thou the merciful Father of Spirits, have mercy uponus ; Forgive our great and manifold fins r Woe to us that ever we were born, if thou deal with .us as we deferve . How quickly then (hall we be in Hell , paft all remedy, in endlefs pain and defperati'on ? where