a=to amap Zaoh. 4.2t. where we (hall have time to lament that fin in vain í which we would not forfake in the dayofour Vifita- tion. But we appeal from the Juftice of thy Law of Innocency., to the Blood and Merits ofJefus our Re. deemer , and to thy Law and Covenant of Grace, which for his Propitiation freely pardoneth all penitent true Believers. We are Sinners but he is Rightecüsq and hash fatisfied for our fins : We are worthy ofmi- fery But he is worthy for whom thy mercy Mould forgive our fin ! O wafh us in his Blood ! Juftifie, adopt and accept us in hirno O take poffeffion of our Souls , by that Spirit which is the Advocate and Wit- neft of Chrift and which maydwell in usas a principle of fpiritual life , and may form us fully to thy Will and image and overcome in us the Flefh, the World; and the Devil , and be our Seal , and Pledge and Ear nett , and Firft-fruits ofeverlafting life. Let his quick- fling Virtue heal our deadnefs, and make us lively and ftrong for the . Let his illuminating Virtue heal our lgnorancè, ;Error and Unbelief; and fill our minds with Faithand Wifdom. Let his convertingisinttiEying Vei-= tue kill in us the Love of the Pleafures, Honours and Riches of this World , and give us a fetled hatred of all fin , and fill our hears with a fervent love to Thee ; thyWord , thy Ways and Servants and to all men in their ffveral capacities ; and caufe us to delight oir Souls in Thee. Leave us not to ferve theeoutwardly and unwillingly from fear alone : But make thy Love and Service to be our rood and our Feaff, our bufinefs and our Recreation. Omake thy ways fo pleafant tó us , that we may have no need to beg pleafure at the Devils door , nor to (teal the forbidden pieafuresof fir?. . Let the thoughts of thyprecious Love inChrift, of our Pardon and Peace with thee , and of the heavenly end, Ii lefs tit