THE POOR MAN'S FAMILYBOOK. Teaching him how to become a true Chriftian. 2. How toLive as a Chriftián,towardsGod, him- feif and others, in all his' kelations ; efpecially in his Family. 3. How to Die as a Chriftianin Hope and Com- fort, and fo to be Glorified with Chrift for ever. Inplainfamiliar conferences between a leacher and a Learner. Witha form of Exhortation to the Sick, Two Ca- rechifms, a Profeilìon of Chriflianity, forms of Prayer for various ufes, and force Pfahms and Hymns for the Lords Day. Written by Rich. Baxter. With a requefi to Landlords and Rich men to give to their Tenants and poor Neighbours, either this or forme fitter Book. ICbe teceno (113 ,tttorr. I. o Nn O N: Printed for Nevill Simmons, at tiffe SiLn thé Princes Arms in St. Paul's Church -yard. i6; 5.