Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

48 2. et)e Poo? ano zotti ids joys with Chrift which thou haft promifed us , be the readieft and fweeteft thoughts ofour minds ; and a daily Cordial at our hearts, to rejoyce them under all the Croffes and Vexations of this World, and the pains of our Flefh , and the fore-fight ofDeath , and to corn- fort us at a dying hour. O caufe us all the days of our lives , to comfort our [elves and one another with thefe wot?ds , That we Mall for ever be with our glorified Lord , more than with tile poffeIlion or hopes of Life , or Health , or Wealth , or any thing which Earth af- fordeth. ' Teach us to redeem our fhort and precious time , and to cart away no part of it on vanity But to lay up our Treafure in Heaven , and firft to feek thy Kingdom and its Righteoufnefs, and to give all dili- gence to make our Calling and Election fure and to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling, re- membring that we muff be adjudged according to our Works. Teach us to woríhip thee fpiritually and ac- ceptably through Chrift : To reverence thy Name , and Word, and Ordinance, and to fantifie thy Holy Day : To honour our Superiours , and behave our felves aright to our Equals and Inferiors : To wrong none in their Bodies , Chaftity , Elates , or Names ; But to do as we would be done by : To love our Neighbours as our felves : To love and forgive our Enemies , and thole that do us wrong. Caufe us to hate and over- come our felfifhnefs pride, fenfuality , worldlinefs, hypocrite , andall our fleíhly lulls, which fight againít the Spirit , and are odious in thy fight. Help us to govern our thoughts , affelions , fenfes , appetites , words andaftions , by thy Word and Spirit : to labour faithfully in our Callings to flit from idlenefs ; and yet to be contented with our daily bread. Prepare us for all Sufferings, withfaith, hope and patience. Caufe tUs