Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

toe paig " ano famtip `Boob. 483 us to overcome in all temptations, and to perfevere unto the end ; that having living foberly rigb- teoufly, and godly in this world , we may joyfully re- ceive the fentence of death ; and that may be the day of our enterance into the heavenly joys , which is the terror of the wicked, and the beginning of their endlefs mifery. O fend the word of life to the dark and miferable Nations of the Earth ; Call the Kingdomsof Heathens and Infidels to the laving knowledge of Jefus Chrift. Let every Knee bow to him , and every Tongue con- fefs him to thy Glory. Subdue the proud and rebelli- ous Tyrants of the Earth , who keep out the Gafpe! and keep up Wickednefs, and fet up their Intereft againft the Kingdoms and Interell of Chrift. Deliver the Churches from all their Oppreffors and Deceivers s and refórm them to fuch wifdom, holinefs and concord , that their light may Thine to Mahometans and other Infidels , and do more to win them toChrift, than the fcandal of their ignorance, wickednefs and divifions hàth done to hinder the worlds converfion and falvati- on. O fhew to partial, blind, uncharitableand conten- tious Chriffiians , the true way of peace , in returning to the ancient'fmplicity and purity, of Dottrine, Wor- Thip, Difcipline and Converfation. Save all the Churches from their fins and enemies. Biefs thefe Kingdoms , and never take thy Gofpel from us Biefs the King , with all hisNobles, Judges and Magiftrates that they may Rule as being ruled by thy Laws and Spirit, promoting Knowledge, Holinefs and Peace , and fuppreffing Deceivers,Ungodlinefs and Injuftice,that we. may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinefs and honeftyo Be merciful to all Chriftian Congregations, and give them able, holy and laborious Palors who 1 iz it