484, let Poqanie mapMBPti. will guide the Flocks in the way of life with the Will dom from above, which is firff pure, and then peace- able and gentle ; even by found Dodrine, and holy living and by loveand concord among themfelves,ac- cording to the blefl'ed example of our Lord. Be mer- ciful to the of ided, by ficknefs, pains, wants, dangers, or diftrefs of foul : Blefs their fufferings to their fanbifi- cation and faivation, and relieve them in the time and way as is mofi for thy Glory and their good. Save the profperous from the temptations of profperity. Be merciful to this family, and let there be no ignorant , ungodly, fletftly, worldly perfons in it , that fhall ferve the Î leftt and the Devil infteadof serving thee , and fell their fouls for the pleafures of fin. Keep us all in holi- nel's , love and peace, and in our duties to one another ; And let thy bleffing be on all our fouls and bodies , and on our labours and affairs 5 and let not thy judgments feue upon Use 1 Add this at Night. We thank thee for all the mercies of our lives to foul and body and parti- cularly for preferving us this day. We have had another days time of Re- pentance to prepare for our la{f day But alas, how little good have we got or done I. Forgive all our fin ofomilliion and comrnifi:- On : And protctt us this Add tbù in the Morning. We thank thee for all thy mercies to our fouls and bodies, this night and all our days and nights For our reft and fafety, and this mornings light. Caufe us to fpend this day in thy fear and faith- ful íervice. Preferve our Souls from fin , and out Bodies from all dangers or hurt which would hin- night