six IDLINmane' f tip 'Zooft. 485 night from the evils that der us from thy Service. we deierve : Refrefh us Caufe us to live as in thy with fafety, reit and fleep : prefence, and let usdo all And let our meditationsof to pleafe thee , and to thy thee be fweet, and thy Glory, and to the good comforts $ill delight our ofour own Souls and one Souls : Prepare us for the another. And let thy mercies and duties of the Love , and Fraile , and day following : And teach Service be our continual us to live in thy fervice delight For Jefus Chrifls and praife ,that we may fake our Saviour and In. live with tree for ever- terceffor at thy right more;through Jefus Chrift hand ; Its whole name our Lord and Saviour ; In and words we furnm up whole name and words we our imperfeft Prayers, fumm up our prayers as as he hash taught us to he bath taught us to fay, fay, Our Father which, art in Heaven,, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done ; on Earth as it is in Heaven.Give no this dayour dailybread. ,,4ndforgive no our tr_ff4s , as weforgive gi them that trefrafs againi ISO . Á2a eua no not into temptation ; ,But deliver ns from evil : For thine is the J ingdo;, , the Power and the-Glory, fórever. Amen. I i 3 V.