Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

q 8 G trbe poN ano fam#ip 7500ti.. V. APrayer before Meat, Oft bountiful. God , who maintaineft us and all the World ; We thank thee for our life, health, peace and food and all thy mercies given us in Chrift. ,,Blefs thefe thy Creatures , to.nourifh our bodies , and fit them for thy Service, Caufe us to receive them °foberly, and to ferve thee holily, chearfully andHi- gently ; devoting our felves and all our receivings to thy Glory, through Jefus Chrift our Lordand Saviour. 4rnenó A Thanksgiving after Meat. Erciful Father, we .thank'thee for drift, and all .the bleflings.>which thou haft given with ltim : For p/rdon45 and grace, and peace, and thehopes of life et;rcnal, a4 all the means which terid..thereto. We thank theefork.feeding - our Bodies at this time. O let us not turn thymercies into our fin, nor ufe them againft our felves and thee, by gratifying any finful de- fire : But caufe us to ufe them to the increafe of our love, and thankfulnefs, and obedience ; and to relifh, and labour for the food that perifheth not, but endurethly to everiaftinglife : For Jefus Chrifts fake. e.menm Ff137IS.