36 'ebe pool ?'!; anoffamilp13oot. But it is thefuturepleafure which is Bill defired. When the drunkard is fick, or findeth the next day the fweet- nefs all gone, and nothing left but fhame or poverty, or a wounded Confcience, no thanks to him to fair, I am lorry and with I had been lober : but ¡till he loveth the fin, and will not leave it, and therefore bath no true change ofHeart and Life, which is the true Re- pentance. And now confider well what I have laid, and judge your felt whether you have ever truly Re- pentedof a worldly, a flefhly and an unholy heart and life. S. Tou put mefo hard to it that A know not, what to fay : I know not well what to think, of my fell. And therefore Sir, as you have examined my cafe, I fhall ¿utreat you tohelp me to pal; a right judgement of it : For you are wifet in thefe things than I: And though the Patientfeel the pains, yet the Phyfician can better judge ofthe cattle, and nature, and danger of the difeafe. P. You fay well: But then the Patient mull tell what he feeleth, and you muff anfwer me thefe few Queflions. r. Hach your foul and everlafling State, hnd your moredeep and (d) ferious thoughts and regard, than your Body and your worldly welfare ? S. I cannot fay fo , though I have often thought ofit. P. 2. Do you verily believe that your fins are fo czeicas as that if God fhould (e) condemn you to Helll, he fhould do no worfe by you than you de- ,ti 3.23.E[h. 2. , ;1 2 ó.I.I 7hef.t.io. :;otL" ;, _ C7" S. I