Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

4414e pooh ano farniípZook. 37 S. 1knowyou would not have me lie. I have been taught indeedthat fo it is: But my heart never per- ceivedmyfins to be fogreat as to deferve Hell : IAmid thinkit unjuji to be fo ufed, as I would not oft my greate,ft enemy. P. 3. Have you not only heard, but believed, and perceived that youhave as much need of Chrift to be your Saviour, as a condemned Malefat`lor path of a pardon ? And is CJiriÍ more (f) precious toyou, than all the Riches pfthe world,his ranfome and Media- tion being your hope,and his Grace your earneft defire? S. Iknow that we cannot be Paved without Chrif But Icannotfay that 1 havefo much defired him. P. 4..Haveyouperceived at the heart that the Love and favour of God ,is__ far_--I1--)--b-etter than all the treafures and pleafures of this world ? And doyouverily believe that all the bleffed thallfeehis Glory in Heaven, andperfeílty love and praifè and ferve him, and be filledwith per feel Joy for ever, in this bleffed fight and Love of God ? And do you lei more by the Hope ofthis Heavenly Glory, than by your life and all this world ? Anddo you prefer Heaven before Earth, in your Efleem, yourDefre, and heartieft labour and di- ligence to make it lure ? S. I wouldIcouldfayfo : Idoubt therebe butfew that reach fo high as that. P. 5. Have you trulybelieved that all (h) that will come to Heaven muft be a Regenerate fanc`lifcd people, (f) Phil.3 .7, 8,9. ì Pet.2.4,6, î.(g)Afar, ti. 20, C'o1.3.1,34,&c.Pf7 b3.3. Phil.3.2a, 21d Mat, G, 3 3. Yoh. 6. 27. 2 Per. t. t a. 2 Per. 3. 11. é h) ? Cor. 5. 19, 20. Mat. 28. 19, 20. Rom. 80 9. 6,4. 5.. 17,2 I. AGI, 3.2y. 7.37.21121..11.28,4/, LtsP, 11,-0. 27. Hcb.12.14. D 3 ,