3 s Inc Poo? fflanz family Zook. in Mindand Will and-Life ; And that this mull be done by the Holy Gliof:: And have you earneftly defired that he would fandifie you throughly ? and kill all your fins, and make you fervently in Love with God, and all that is good, and fully obedient to his will ? And have yougiven up your felf to Jefus Chrift in awell- confidered refolved Covenant, contenting to be Taught and Governed byhim, and willing to imitate him, and to receive his Spirit ? S. Icannotfay'f) ; though Idefire to amend. P. 6. Do you led the (i) evil and odioufnefs of a worldly, carnal, unrenewed heart, and of an unholy life ? Yea of your want of Faith, and Love to God, aswell as of outward shameful fins ? And are thefe fins ofheart and prance, the greatest troubleand burden to you in the world ? S. Iwould it wirefo,but Ido notfind itfo, P. 7. Can you truly fay that you (kj live not wil- fully in any known grofs fin ? and that you have no fin , no not the leaft know infirmity, which you had not rather leave than keep ? And that you had rather be per- fly Holy (in perfe& knowledge-, Love and obedience) than tohave all the Riches and plealur'es and honours of this world ? S. '1 jhould diffemnle ifIshould fayfo. P. . Can you truly fay that when a lemptation rometh to your 1nofi belovedfin, Gods Authority which forbiddeth it, is (i) more powerful to keep you,fror (;) i:om.7.1.4 24,.Fz.ek.6.9.' 20,,1-3.- 36.31. (k) Yoh. 1.4,8,9. 21/111.721 . P/nl.S.5. Rorn.?. 17, 24. Luk; (i)Ccn.3.g.q óor,:9t2<2IPct.2.1,00 1 Job. . ;r;